JP is a top rated keynote speaker, a popular podcaster, instructor, and writer, and a trusted advisor to financial institutions and fintech companies, with a focus on bank fintech partnerships. He is often quoted in the media, and his name regularly appears on multiple lists as an influential thought leader, but what really drives him is helping people forge ideas into results.

JP and his groundbreaking work on innovation in financial services have been featured in some of the industry’s top publications, including BBC World News, Forbes, American Banker, Business Insider, The Financial Brand, BAI Banking Strategies, Investment News, and more.
JP Nicols is cofounder of Alloy Labs, and Managing Director of the Alloy Labs Institute, which applies industry-leading best practices, tools, and frameworks to help financial institutions reduce innovation risk and drive exponential growth. He works with leadership teams and boards to help them build competitive advantage to “unbreak the bank”, de-risk innovation, and unleash new growth potential.

He is also cohost of Breaking Banks, the world’s #1 global fintech podcast created by fintech futurist and bestselling author Brett King. It is the flagship program for Media, the #1 fintech media network.

JP is also the creator of the world’s first graduate banking curriculum on fintech and innovation which is now being taught at leading graduate schools of banking. He is a top rated instructor at the Pacific Coast Banking School held at the University of Washington and the Graduate School of Banking at Wisconsin, and is a cofounder of their Digital Banking School.
He has also taught at the Graduate School of Banking at Colorado, the Southwest Graduate School of Banking at SMU, CUES, and several other top industry education programs, including international, national, regional and state banking associations.


After spending 20 years helping to grow a $6B regional bank into an industry leader with over $400B in assets, JP has been a pioneer working at the intersection of fintech and traditional financial services to create effective bank fintech partnerships and help others turn ideas into results.
He has served in past leadership roles at top financial institutions, including as the first Chief Private Banking Officer for a top five U.S. bank, where he managed $7.5 billion in assets and $250 million in revenue. He was also a part of the team that built their first enterprise innovation program starting in 2007, the early days of the fintech revolution.
When not at work he is most likely watching, playing, coaching, reading or writing about soccer, especially the Seattle Sounders, Seattle Reign, and ECS Pub League.
Follow JP on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook.
From JP:
Unless reposted or otherwise noted, everything here is my own work and my own opinion, and all of it is copyrighted with all rights reserved. I generally allow my blog posts to be shared on other sites with full attribution in most cases, but please ask first.
I love helping great people build great businesses, and helping individuals and organizations move from potential to performance. Let me know if I can help you.
Disclosures: This blog is free, and I write about things that I think will have value to my readers, period. Mostly that’s around banks, fintechs, and bank fintech partnerships. Sometimes I am paid to attend an event or write about the activities of a company, but I try to make that clear, and I always maintain final editorial control. I do not post sponsored content created by others, and I do not sell my subscriber lists.
I generally have no financial interest in the companies or products I mention, and if I do I try to make that transparent. I or my companies, including, but not limited to Alloy Labs and Media, may do business, or seek to do business in the future with any person or company mentioned here. I usually use affiliate links for any books that I recommend. This means I may earn a small commission if you decide to buy the book from these specific links, but I am not paid to promote any specific books.